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Reiki, Reiki healing, Craniosacral therapy

Wellness Coaching


Has your world been turned upside down because you’ve been diagnosed with a serious or long-term illness?

San Francisco, Craniosacral therapy,  Reiki healing
Why Nurse Coaching?

Are you struggling with a chronic health condition & don't know where to turn for help? Are you wondering if there are some holistic methods that would help you? Holistic nurse coaching offers guidance to your health challenges.

Reiki healing, Shamanic healing, Cranio Sacral message therapy
I feel overwhelmed. What can I do?

It is hard to manage a chronic health condition on your own. Between doctor's appointments, managing medication schedules, while not feeling well, it's easy to feel weighed down. We know western medicine is great for solving acute problems, unfortunately, it doesn’t always address the root cause of illness. Holistic health practices can help you find long-term solutions & provide great self-care tips.

Reiki, Craniosacral therapy, San Francisco
Are you wondering if there are any holistic things that you could benefit from?

Holistic nurse coaching is the solution for you. I offer personalized wellness plans that include integrating holistic health with western medicine, self-care tips, strategies for dealing with difficult emotions, & guidance on how to communicate better with your medical team. Nurse coaching can help you answer your questions while allowing you to stay focused on what matters most – feeling stronger & spending quality time with those you love.

Through active listening, I hold a safe space where we can discuss:

Let me join you on your healing journey to regain health, inner peace, resilience & balance. My calm, grounded coaching integrates traditional western medicine with holistic health, so that we can work together to steer your wellness in the right direction. With my help, I will guide you towards a sense of harmony by tapping into what’s already within you – your North Star.

Reiki healing, Shamanic healing, Craniosacral therapy

Client Reviews

“Thank you dearest Ramona for your care, compassion, humor, professionalism, forthrightness, calm guidance, understanding and love in caring for my husband and I. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t give thanks that you came into our lives when you did.”

Schedule Today!

Need more information? Call for a free consult.

If you do not see a time on the schedule which is convenient for you, please email me & suggest a different day & time that works for you.

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