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Why people love Hot Stone Therapy

Reiki, Reiki therapy, Reiki healing

Are you trying to manage back or neck pain?

Living with pain can affect every aspect of your life. Muscle tension can make your movement very challenging and will decrease the quality of your life. Using hot stones helps to release your pain, increase your mobility, and will leave you feeling invigorated.

Is joint pain causing you problems?

Stiff joints or arthritis can make you feel depressed, leaving you with limited ability to engage in life. Applying hot stones will increase your flexibility and decrease your pain. It’s a wonderful way to improve your sense of well-being.

What is a Hot Stone treatment?

Magic from Pacha Mama, immersed within the water element. There are many benefits with incorporating hot stones into a bodywork session. This includes relieving muscle tension and pain, improving your flexibility, encouraging blood circulation and energy flow. It will also reduce stress and anxiety, release toxins, boosts your immunity, and improve the quality of your sleep. Hot stones will leave you feeling grounded back to Mother Earth.


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