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What is Jin Shin Jyutsu Energy Work?

Reiki healing, Shamanic healing, Craniosacral therapy

Are you feeling irritable or frustrated, having a difficult time dealing with change?

If you are experiencing increased anxiety or impatience, the quality of your life will be negatively affected. With our fast-moving world fear of change or the unknown can be overwhelming. A bodywork session that includes this practice can help you reduce your fears, giving you a sense of calmness. This will help you enjoy a better-quality life.

Are cancer treatments wearing you down?

Chemotherapy and radiation can cause nausea, fatigue, and weakness. Jin Shin Jyutsu work reduce the symptoms of cancer treatment, while boosting your energy level.

What is Jin Shin Jyutsu Energy Work?

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient healing practice originated from Japan. Instead of points and meridians used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, this practice involves Safety Energy Locks and uses energy to facilitate the movement and balancing of energy in the body. A session that incorporates Jin Shin Jyutsu Energy Work utilizes energy to calm, soothe, and replenish your mind, body, and spirit.


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