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What is Acupressure?

Craniosacral therapy, Cranio Sacral message therapy, San Francisco

Are you living with chronic fatigue syndrome?

Every aspect of your life can be affected with this condition. Difficulty concentrating and confused thinking are common. You may also experience muscle pain and weakness, along with feeling low energy, even after a full night of sleep. Utilizing acupressure can help improve your focus, reduce your pain and help you have a more restful sleep, which will leave you feeling more energized.

Is your health challenged because of a compromised immune system?

Do you feel like the canary in the coal mine always being the first one to get sick and then having a difficult time healing from the illness? Do you feel exhausted even though you’re sleeping a lot? Acupressure supports the body’s natural healing process, rejuvenating you and helping you heal from illnesses.

What is Acupressure?

This ancient healing modality is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. There are invisible pathways of energy called meridians. Acupressure points rest on the meridians. When energy (qi) is blocked, it can lead to health problems. By stimulating the points on the meridians, it improves the flow of energy in your body. Acupressure uses the same points as Acupuncture, but with fingertip pressure instead of needles. This ancient healing system rebalances and promotes healing.


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