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Cranio Sacral message therapy, San Francisco, Reiki


My Life’s Journey



Struggling with mysterious health problems for years left me feeling helpless and hopeless. Western doctors couldn't identify the problems or provide relief. Frustrated, I immersed myself in studying holistic health approaches like Chinese Medicine, Craniosacral Therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Energy Work.


This newfound passion led me to set up my own practice offering bodywork sessions for others struggling with health issues or simply looking for a way to manage stress.

After some time, I realized the need for a deeper understanding of health, so I temporarily put my practice on hold and returned back to school, eventually becoming a Registered Nurse specializing in hospice care.


My journey has taught me so many things. Wellness isn’t an either-or approach. Integrating western medicine and holistic health is the key to top-quality health.


Now, I'm fulfilling my long-term goal of offering bodywork and health coaching in an integrative practice.

Shamanic healing, Craniosacral therapy Cranio, Sacral message therapy
  • Registered Nurse:  Specializing in Hospice, Palliative, Home Health, Case Management, Chronic Health Management & Nurse Trainer

  • Holistic Health Practitioner:  Craniosacral Therapy, Acupressure, Lomilomi massage, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Hot Stone therapy & Holistic Health Educator

  • Educational Therapist:  Learning Specialist

Personal Sources of Replenishment

These are my ways of walking in balance:

  • Walks in nature

  • Meditation

  • Yoga

  • Talking with friends

  • Playing with furry creatures

  • Dancing to Latin Jazz

Schedule Today!

Need more information? Call for a free consult.

If you do not see a time on the schedule which is convenient for you, please email me & suggest a different day & time that works for you.

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